Let me suggest a VERY hypothetical situation:
Let's suppose I was in a glass tank with a loaded pistol and two women, one of whom was a mopheaded jew seductively flaunting loose long hair, and the other an islamic fundamentalist wearing shawl-and-robe burka or hijab.
Let's further imagine that all three of us had our feet immovably shackled to the floor, and were well separated into a triangular arrangement.
I was verbally instructed by the one who put all three of us in the tank that the tank was going to be filled with water from the floor grating up to the top of the tank, and would drown all three of us as the water rose above our heads...UNLESS I shot one of the two women dead in the head - in which case the remaining two of us would be gassed into temporary subconsciousness, unshackled, and left alone by each other nude in the woods somewhere.
What should and would I do?
Shoot myself in the head, instead?
As the water rose, and I sensed that it would keep on rising and indeed drown all three of us unless I actually did shoot one of the two women, which woman's head would I blast a bullet into rather than allow myself to drown?
Perhaps I could, as the tank was filling, bargain with the guy who put us all there:
"Hey man, this is a serious thing you want me to do. Can you give me some kind of proof that you really would stop the water from rising up and drowning us all if I actually did shoot one of these women in the head? How about briefly stopping the rising water if I at least point the gun at whoever and cock the trigger?
Assume that he did, for less than a minute, accommodate to that request, after which the water starting rising again.
Would I shoot the possibly-kinda-cute IDF-or-non-IDF jew -- beloved for the sake of her forefathers, entrusted with the oracles of God, being that salvation is of the Jews...realizing that he who blesses God's chosen people God blesses, and he who curses God's chosen people He curses....and believing that even though the number of the ACLU/PAW/AUSCS/SPLC/FFRF/HRC/PP sons of Israel [and harlot-lookalike feminist-sexist mopheaded daughters of Israel] be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will be saved (and the remainder will thus, logically, be damned)?
Or would I shoot the head-covered muslim woman, quietly petitioning the imaginary "allah," gently ridiculing the Talmud (not Torah nor Prophets nor Writings of The Old Testament) and breathing a subdued wish, while quoting the Qur'an, to annihilate and exterminate infidel "jews" and "christians" who do not even read nor follow their own Bibles?
The directives contained within both the Old and New Testaments are what I would base my decision upon as to who to shoot dead:
Numbers 5:18 [RSV & NASB] And the priest shall set the woman before the LORD, and unbind the hair of the woman's head, and place in her hands the cereal offering of remembrance, which is the cereal offering of jealousy. And in his hand the priest shall have the water of bitterness that brings the curse.
Save the muslim; pop the jew...on that one.
Deuteronomy 32:42 [RSV] I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh -- with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the long-haired heads of the enemy.
Save the muslim; pop the jew...on that one.
Song of Solomon 7:5 [RSV & NASB] [Oh MY, and no one else's, bride] YOUR head crowns you like Carmel, and YOUR flowing locks [i.e. loose long hair strands] are like purple; a king is held captive in the tresses.
Save the muslim; pop the jew...on that one.
First Corinthians 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you that for a man to wear long hair is degrading to him,
First Corinthians 11:15 but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering.
First Corinthians 11:16 If any one intends to be contentious, we recognize no SUCH practice [of allowing the inferior gender to misregard her public mopheadedness as sufficient or adequate for a prayer covering or veil], nor do the churches of God.
Save the muslim; pop the jew...on that one.
So....BANG! Blood and guts would flow out of the bullet-punctured head of guess who.
And would I then be accused of "hating women" by so doing? Would the liquor-refusing one woman I did not shoot agree?
Would I then, in clear and legal self-defense, be accused of harassment, assault, and malicious abuse, by sundry slanderers? How about by the single-virgin woman I did not shoot dead?
How about me allegedly and purportedly committing (and not "performing") gross "antisemitism" for executing (not murdering) a pork-abhorring blood descendant of not merely Abram and Sarai but rather Abraham and Sarah, followed by child-of-promise Isaac (not mocking-arab Ishmael) and polygamous Jacob?
A man has to do what he has to do, and plan accordingly.
One of which is recognize that it was the antisemitic roman (and not "Roman") emperor Hadrian, decades after Christ lived on Earth, who aversively renamed the Holy Land [meant for Hebrew Israel with the territorial boundaries described in the last half of Ezekiel chapter 47, given after the deportation to Babylon] "syria palestina" (i.e. "Palestine"), and that up to the 1930s even the British referred to that land with the same antisemitic term Hadrian applied (although the land was also considered, from north to south: Galilee, Samaria, and Judea by spiritually enlightened).
"Palestine" was a HUGE territory, and everyone who lived there called themselves (until the 1930s and 1940s) "Palestinians."
But, in the 30s and 40s, when Egypt got their independence, and Saudi Arabia theirs, and Jordan theirs, and Syria theirs, then finally Israel in 1948, indigenous residents in those countries then began calling themselves Egyptian Jews or Egyptian Arabs, Jordanian Jews or Jordanian Arabs, Saudi Jews or Saudi Arabs, and so forth.
Actually, the geographical territory which contains the cities of Askelon and Gaza should revert back to the former name of Philistia, while the north-of-Israel territory should continue to be named: Lebanon instead of: "Phoenicia."
And how about "the West Bank" smack dab within Israel's land? What should the residents within that call themselves?
How about West-Bank Jews and West-Bank Arabs?
Ever since antisemitic Hadrian did his demonic-revisionist renaming of Galilee/Samaria/Judea to "Palestine," and even yet today, WHOEVER (whether they realize or admit it or not) uses the word "Palestine" to refer to the territory of Israel (e.g. Galilee and Samaria and Judea), and/or uses the word "palestinian" or "palestinian AUTHORITY" to refer to antisemites (be they arabs or other Gentiles) infesting either or both Gaza and The West Bank, insinuates and infers the same satanic antisemitism which Hadrian exhibited...and are clearly accursed because of that.
Galatians 4:30 But what does the Scripture say? "Throw out the slave [Hagar] and her [mocking-Isaac arab] son [Ishmael]; for the son of the slave shall not inherit with the son of the free woman."
Who are worse: Strict-Torah-Law-ignoring Israelis afraid to execute criminals [defined as such by Torah] for fear of what the world would think....or Iranians enforcing strict women's-attire public-modesty laws by arrest, fines, incarceration, and even execution if necessary, concordant with vague plagiaristic prose of the Koran?
Who are worse: jews who lament imams bellering out hostility against the tediously-nitpicky-and-alterable jewish-commentary-not-Scripture Talmud and bowing and nodding in worship in front of the idol-remains of Herods-and-not-Solomon's temple....or ISIS who murderously and abusively go way beyond a strict literal (and not figurative) application of various interpretations of sharia law?
Until jews, in penitent humility, totally submit to the Christian Authority (not "palestinian authority") of Jesus Christ and the additional contents of His New Testament, the Holy Spirit of the LORD will not enlighten their minds to enable themselves to survive as a nation by realizing what Matt-Dillon/Gunsmoke American police both know and do:
When a man points a gun at a cop, the cop draws faster, legitimately and promptly shooting the guy or gal dead on the spot (as judge, jury, and executioner)....on the simple, obvious, and clearly-legitimate grounds of Reasonable Probable Cause.
The cop is under no obligation to keep the wannebe genocidist alive for questioning and interrogation ("to find out what he knows" and/or "discover who his sources are") under those dire circumstances, and under no obligation to waste taxpayer's dollars by coddling him or her with plea bargaining or parole in a escape-possible "reformatory" which will, in all probability, never reform a hardened criminal intent upon repeating the crime if freed.
All [human] life is NOT sacred, nor to be protected.
The historical fact of incinerating kamikaze-immentality jap-imperialist citizens in Hiroshima and Nagasaki for inciting terrorists to destroy a higher calibre of men: American soldiers innocently guarding Pearl Harbor....is to be admired and respected.
Such was the case with the conquering Hebrew/Jewish patriarchs throughout the Old Testament, and such is yet (and should yet be) the case today.
Screw worldly opinionators who disdain and revile that.
It all comes down to: "you and whose army?"
Acts of God trump the forces of evil. And that is nothing to be Hillarius about, right Donald?
The frenzied popularity of negro-heroines "War Room" is a win-win attempt by many to:
(1) compensate for and absolve their shame of initially supporting, or at least being tolerant of, charismatic nigroid Barack Hussein Obama -- duped by his professional and articulate pie-in-the-sky-by-and-by campaign rhetoric back in 2008, and
(2) show their "righteous-christian" "civil"-"rights" non-discrimination and attitude of equality for "afro-americans."
Current puffing and embrace of and for the presidential-candidacy and person of respectful-surgeon-occupation plus conveniently-moralistic Uncle Ben by his Converted riceronies (who lamentably might get stuck with the GOP top-it-all-off with a VP Aunt Jemima runnng mate) is also their attempt to make up for naively and gullibly voting for the
present-and-horrifying tyranny-by-Executive-Orders dictator Barack Obama (yet patronized by "respecting the office" "conservative" and "liberal" patsies who preface the name of the constitutionally-non-qualified Kenyan-not-Hawaiian-born christo-islamic cultist with the word: "President")....the same marxist-ideology morality-ambivalent Indonesian-citizen foreign-exchange-student of anti-heterosexual/abortion-choice, Barry Soetoro, benefitting, as master slaves-reparationist recipient, of the traffic-stopping/violence-inciting black-racist legacy of assassinated "rev" "dr" Marty L. "plagiarized-the-name-of-the-Lutheran-reformer" "I-have-a-forced-integration-dream" King.
Donald just might Trump it all, eventually - especially if Marco does not attract enough Hispanic Mexicans (illegal-alien and legit) to poll high enough to participate in upcoming debates.
Insightful Mark Twain might have voiced his approval for riverboat-revivalist-type Huckabee.
Ted Cruz was born in Canada not America...and don't his admirers realize that?
Bush Sr is not the only one to blame for eight years of Bill Clinton and his demonic cohorts, nor Bush Jr the only one blame for State-Department admission for NYC Trade-Tower demolitionists and eight years of Barack Hussein Obama and his demonic cohorts.
The satanic network media puffing and coddling both Clinton and Obama are significantly to blame [e.g. Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Matthews, exacerbated by porno-mopheads Meghan Kelly, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, even Bachmann].
Both Bush Sr and Bush Jr did not sufficiently fight back against slander imposed by both media and voters by both of them trying to please the Devil and the Lord (which trying to please opposite-mindset masters never has worked nor ever will work).
Nazis, Russian communists, and ISIS would not be so lenient for treasonous dissenting traitors, but instead such subversive would promptly be arrested, convicted in court, fined, jailed, or even shot to death by firing squad, hung, electrocuted, gassed, dismembered by sword, whatever - as was typically the case throughout Old-Testament history.
But, note that neither Bush Sr nor Jr supported same-gender homosodomy-unions licensing nor partial-birth abortion, but did honor State-of-Israel sovereignty....in stark contrast to Executive-Order-Dictator Barack Hussein Obama, born in Mombasa Kenya and not in Hawaii [ refer to http://layleftlayrite.tripd.com and http://concubud.20fr.com ].
Who are largely to blame for Clinton and Obama are the rebellious and increasingly-godless majority of voters throughout America who aggressively voted in Clinton and Obama, and some of the remaining who timidly and fearfully "did not want to rock the boat" and so said nothing contrary in their delusion that what was wrong and evil would correct itself automatically without courageous Scripturally-based confrontation.
Whatever the case, all three Scripture-verses-only webpages of hategrup.htm within Tripod's stripmoves, soxlessness, and nogymsox imply a retribulational antidote against the current craze of the fearful, frightened by literal-and-not-figurative implementation of Qur'anic sharia excesses by the terrifying ISIS and ISIL.